Name:In Ceiling speakers
Specifications:Hole cutout dimensions:205x90mm

                                                 CIW series Performance in-ceiling and in-wall speakers feature the latest high performance speaker technology so that you can enjoy great sound . They give you the ability to listen to music throughout your home,free standing speakers around the room. . In-ceiling speakers enable you to enjoy the same music in many rooms, overcoming the impracticality of placing conventional, freestanding speakers in every room.

                                                 Design 6 1/2" in ceiling speaker system

                                                 Frequency Response 50Hz-25KHz

                                                 Sensitivity 91dB @ 1watt,1meter

                                                 Impedance 8ohms Hole cutout dimensions 205x90mm

                                                 Product dimensions 232x90mm

                                                 Finish White ABS plastic,white metal grille

                                                 Power Handling 100W